Measuring Up

24 Mar, 2004 | WebTdp

Over the last couple of days I've spent some time surfing the blogs of some of the people who are leading the way in standards-based design and development.

And it really brought me down. The Peninsula is far from finished, and a redesign has already been planned (I've been collecting sites for some time as inspiration), but I don't think I'll ever measure up to the real legends.

Reading Andy Budd and Dunstan's blogs and seeing posts about them either meeting, or wanting to meet some of the stars of the web design blogging world made me think that it would be very nice to meet many of these people, but that I'd be hopelessly lost. I am but a minnow in comparison to their leviathan skills and intelects in the realm of design.

They set standards, they write books and articles, they solve problems, they lecture, they introduce groundbreaking techniques and awesome designs.

Keep up the work guys, there are plenty of minnows out there who look up to and feed off you, maybe one day we'll be ready to run with the bigger fish.