Welcome, 2006!

1 Jan, 2006 | GeneralTdp

It's that time of year again, folks. Yes, that's right, we've all run out of things to say so bloggers and reverting to old faithful: predictions for the coming year. You might not remember, but I did this last year too, so I guess I should see how I got on first.

  1. I will not be in my current job by the end of the year (not sure if this is a prediction or a promise to myself).

    Okay, so I failed this one miserably. To be fair, I was working abroad until September, that's a cop-out, I know.

  2. I predict that several of my web sites will get additional content, and some may even have a visual makeover.

    Ten out of ten on that one.

  3. I think that I will accomplish some of the things on my to-do list, will fail to complete many and will add far more to it than I complete.

    Another one spot-on.

  4. I believe that someone will win the lottery every week, and that the jackpot will be won almost every week. I also believe that I won’t care either way.

    3 out of 4.

  5. In the web world, many of the leading lights will do things that will make the rest of us think: ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ and WordPress will actually launch a new official version in December: WordPress 1.998.

    WordPress released version 1.5 and then version 2.0, how good am I?

  6. Some movies will get made and released, some of them will be worth watching. Likewise, some CDs and Books will also become available, and some of them will be worth buying.

    True, though fewer movies than in recent years it seems.

  7. I will get another year older.


  8. It will rain, at some point, and people without umbrellas will get wet.


  9. There will be more political scandals (what else is there for the papers to write about?).

    And then some.

  10. World poverty will not be solved.

    Again, my prescience is astounding.

9 out of 10, that's not bad going, I doubt many other people got stats like that.

So, what am I thinking the new year has in store? Well, I don't know. I'm not going to be making predictions this year, but rather, stating some of the things I'd intend to do in the new year.

I'm still looking for a new job, I need to be a little more proactive on that. I'd like to spend some more time writing, I've been thinking of reserving at least one evening a week just for that, away from the computers and such, so I should probably settle on a day and have done with it. I probably should be spending less time on my 8 million websites too, and more time doing productive stuff, though I'm not sure what that is. Having said that, I'd like to get some of the List Books sister sites up and running (got the ideas and the domains have been registered). I had a nice load of books for Chrimbo, added to the backlog I already had it makes a daunting pile, so I need to get reading on them too (that means a lot more reviews coming your way). I also seemed to lose my way in the blogging stakes towards the end of the year (mainly due to social commitments, as someone who normally keeps his social engagements to a minimum I was somewhat overwhelmed in the fortnight leading up to Christmas) so I'm going to try and get back to basics.

I try not to aim too high with these things, I'm not really one for sweeping resolutions or massive upheaval, but I think they should do okay.