What We Do Online Echoes in Eternity

21 Jul, 2010 | WebTdp

I only just started reading this NY Times article and it was enough to scare me. I'm very careful about what I put online and the web came fairly late to my childhood, but imagine having stuff from your teenage years pulled in front of you when you go for a job in your thirties.

According to a recent survey by Microsoft, 75 percent of U.S. recruiters and human-resource professionals report that their companies require them to do online research about candidates, and many use a range of sites when scrutinizing applicants — including search engines, social-networking sites, photo- and video-sharing sites, personal Web sites and blogs, Twitter and online-gaming sites. Seventy percent of U.S. recruiters report that they have rejected candidates because of information found online, like photos and discussion-board conversations and membership in controversial groups.